Lecture 1. Authorship and Style in the Torah
Lecture 2. Cain and Abel in Story, Theology, and Literary History
Lecture 3. Icons and Iconoclasm: From Moses to Milton
Lecture 4. The Story of King David, or the Varieties of Love
Lecture 5. The Song of Solomon: The Poetry of Sacred and Profane Love
Lecture 6. Psalms: The Poetry of Praise and Supplication
Lecture 7. Proverbs: The Way to Wisdom
Lecture 8. The Book of Job: The Problem of Evil and the Aesthetics of the Sublime
Lecture 9. Ecclesiastes and the Questioning of Wisdom
Lecture 10. Isaiah and Prophecy
Lecture 11. Typology: The Life of Christ as Fulfillment of the Old Testament
Lecture 12. Parables: The Form of Jesus' Preaching
Lecture 13. Paul: The Letter and the Spirit of the Law
Lecture 14. The Book of Revelation and the Symmetry of the Christian Bible.