Sarah Whitman
With eleven short stories, Sarah Orne Jewett's The Life of Nancy is a serene and heart-touching collection of 19th-century fiction. In A War Debt, Tom Burton finds himself stuck in Boston, as he is the primary caretaker of his grandmother. Though he has long given up the dream of a vacation, he is forced to a long trip to Virginia, when his grandmother admits guilt over possessing an item stolen during the war, and is desperate for it to be returned...
4) Deephaven
Houghton, Mifflin and Company
Pub. Date
In the late 1800s, best friends Helen Denis and Kate Lancaster spend a summer in the little seaside village of Deephaven, getting to know its residents. Her much acclaimed powers of description at their peak, Sarah Orne Jewett's classic "Deephaven" is a slow-paced gem, where everyday events become remarkable. The quirky people of the small community come alive in all their specificity through Jewett's characterization, and are guaranteed to stay with...