Alice Sebold
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Brutally raped and murdered by a deceptively mild-mannered neighbor, Susie begins with a compelling description of her death. During the next ten years, she watches over her family and friends as they struggle to cope with her murder. She observes their disintegrating lives with compassion and occasionally attempts, sometimes successfully, to communicate her love to them. Although the lives of all who knew her well are shaped by her tragic death,...
A woman steps over the line into the unthinkable in this brilliant, powerful, and unforgettable new novel by the author of The Lovely Bones and Lucky.
For years Helen Knightly has given her life to others: to her haunted mother, to her enigmatic father, to her husband and now grown children. When she finally crosses a terrible boundary, her life comes rushing in at her in a way she never could have imagined. Unfolding over...
For years Helen Knightly has given her life to others: to her haunted mother, to her enigmatic father, to her husband and now grown children. When she finally crosses a terrible boundary, her life comes rushing in at her in a way she never could have imagined. Unfolding over...
3) Lucky
The author describes the circumstances of her rape as an eighteen-year-old college freshman, the arrest and trial of her attacker, and her struggle to reclaim her shattered life.
Paramount Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
When 14-year-old Susie Salmon was murdered, she left her unfinished life behind. Now from her place in a strange but beautiful in-between world, she must help her father catch her killer and protect her family before she can finally move on.
6) Casi la luna
Distributed by Random House
Pub. Date
Helen Knightly, who has set aside her own life in her support of her parents, husband, and children, confronts the realities of the choices that were imposed upon her during a brief, harrowing period of death and revelation.
7) Afortunada
Círculo de Lectores
Pub. Date
"Alice Serbo era virgen cuando,una noche de mayo,sintio que alguien la seguia.Empezo'a andar algo ma's deprisa y de pronto, un hombre menudo y musculoso,se abalanzo'sobre ella y le tapo la boca.Luego la arrojo' al suelo,le tiro'del pelo y le dijo: 'callate, no te hare' dano si haces lo que te digo'. Su vida habia terminado;otra vida acababa de empezar."--Page 4 of cover.
The author describes the circumstances of her rape as an eighteen-year-old college...