Peter (Actor) Newman
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
A noble band of survivors from the peaceful world of Thundera bravely faces off against vicious mutants intent on destroying them. Make way for exotic creatures, mystical power and action-packed battles of good versus evil in the exciting saga of the ThunderCats! In these first-season adventures from the dynamic animated series, the ThunderCats adopt Third Earth as their new home and encounter alien beings galore. Crash with these cats for over twelve...
Warner Home Video
Pub. Date
"The ThunderCats, led by their fearless leader, Lion-O, are a noble band of survivors from the peaceful world of Thundera. As the heroes adopt Third Earth as their new home and encounter alien beings galore-- some friendly, some looking for a fight-- they must adapt to their strange surroundings and newfound responsibilities as protectors. Watch as they face off against vicious mutants of Plun-darr and their evil master, Mumm-Ra, who are bent on destroying...