J. C Maxwell
You know that thing when you have an incestuous relationship with your daughter, but you don't want anyone to know about it, so you disguise the truth in a riddle and make her suitors guess its meaning? No? Well, that's what the king of Antioch is up to. Guess correctly and marry the princess, he says. Get it wrong and be killed. Today we might shake our heads and wonder why the King didn't just keep his mouth shut instead of broadcasting his dirty...
Friendship and Greed!-- Timon is a wealthy and generous man. Over the length of the play we watch as he slowly gives away his entire fortune. Then we witness the tragedy of a man who comes to realize that he has no friends now that he has no money. "Here lies a wretched corse, Of wretched soul bereft: Seek not my name: a Plague consume you wicked Caitiffs left! Here lie I, Timon; who, alive, all living men did hate: Pass by and curse thy fill, but...
3) The poems
The Poems
Shakespeare’s greatest achievement in nondramatic verse was his collection of 154 magnificent sonnets that portray a tumultuous world of love, rivalry, and conflict among a poet, an aristocratic young man, a rival poet, and a mysterious “dark lady.” More profound than other Elizabethan sonnet sequences and never surpassed as archetypes of the form, these poems explore almost every imaginable emotional complexity...
Shakespeare’s greatest achievement in nondramatic verse was his collection of 154 magnificent sonnets that portray a tumultuous world of love, rivalry, and conflict among a poet, an aristocratic young man, a rival poet, and a mysterious “dark lady.” More profound than other Elizabethan sonnet sequences and never surpassed as archetypes of the form, these poems explore almost every imaginable emotional complexity...