Kate Clifford Larson
The true story of Mary Surratt, a shadowy figure behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln--and the first woman executed by the federal government. Surratt, a Confederate sympathizer, ran the boarding house in Washington where the conspirators, including her rebel son, John Surratt, met to plan the assassination. When a military tribunal convicted her for her crimes and sentenced her to death, five of the nine commissioners petitioned President...
"Harriet Tubman is one of the giants of American history--a fearless visionary who led scores of her fellow slaves to freedom and battled courageously behind enemy lines during the Civil War. And yet in the nine decades since her death, next to nothing has been written about this extraordinary woman aside from juvenile biographies. The truth about Harriet Tubman has become lost inside a legend woven of racial and gender stereotypes. Now at last, in...
"Kate Clifford Larson's biography of Fannie Lou Hamer is the most complete ever written, drawing on recently declassified sources on both Hamer and the civil rights movement, including unredacted FBI and Department of Justice files. It also makes full use of interviews with Civil Rights activists conducted by the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress, and Democratic National Committee archives, in addition to extensive conversations with Hamer's...
Rowman & Littlefield
Pub. Date
"Harriet Tubman: A Reference Guide to Her Life and Works captures her life, her works, and legacy. It features a chronology, an introduction offers a brief account of her life, a dictionary section includes entries on people, places, and events related to her. A comprehensive bibliography offers a list of works about her life"--
The History Press
Pub. Date
When Harriet Tubman crossed the line to freedom in Pennsylvania, she left behind her home in Maryland, along with a life of enslavement. Her native land made Tubman the person she became to history: Underground Railroad conductor, Civil War scout and nurse, suffragist and advocate for the aged and disabled. Authors Phillip Hesser and Charlie Ewers explore the landscape of Tubman's life, from the slave quarters to the churches to the marshes and fields...