John Greenman
"Tom Sawyer Abroad" is Mark Twain's 1894 novel featuring Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. A sequel to Twain's famous "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", this parody of a classic adventure story follows Tom, Jim and Huck as they journey by hot air balloon to Africa, where they encounter all manner of excitement and danger. A wonderful example of Twain's unforgettable work not to be missed by fans of the timeless Tom Sawyer series. Samuel Langhorne Clemens...
Uncle Tom, Topsy, Sambo, Simon Legree, little Eva: their names are American bywords, and all of them are characters in Harriet Beecher Stowe's remarkable novel of the pre-Civil War South. Uncle Tom's Cabin was revolutionary in 1852 for its passionate indictment of slavery and for its presentation of Tom, "a man of humanity," as the first black hero in American fiction. Labeled racist and condescending by some contemporary critics, it remains a shocking,...
"Like most boys, Tom Sawyer would rather play hooky than go to school. But Tom's lively imagination and thirst for adventure lead him into the most extraordinary situations, from a search for buried treasure to the accidental witness of a murder in a graveyard. All of his exploits -- tricking his pals into whitewashing a fence, sharing his medicine with the family cat, disrupting a church service with a pinching insect -- are flavored with the humor...