Anne Fortier
"The Lost Sisterhood takes on historical myth--the warrior women called the Amazons--and shows us they were not mythical, but a real band of beleaguered but brave priestesses-in-training who banded together to rescue their kidnapped companions. While their desperate trek unfolds in the past, we follow Diana, a modern-day scholar who has always been fascinated by the Amazons, as she embarks on a trek of her own. Led by enigmatic Middle Easterner Nick...
Twenty-five-year-old Julie Jacobs is heartbroken over the death of her beloved aunt Rose. But the shock goes even deeper when she learns that the woman who has been like a mother to her has left her entire estate to Julie's twin sister. The only thing Julie receives is a key, one carried by her mother on the day she herself died, to a safety-deposit box in Siena, Italy. In Siena she discovers that her ancestor Giulietta Tolomei met Romeo and their...
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Twenty-five-year-old Julie Jacobs is heartbroken over the death of her beloved aunt Rose. But the shock goes even deeper when she learns that the woman who has been like a mother to her has left her entire estate to Julie's twin sister. The only thing Julie receives is a key, one carried by her mother on the day she herself died, to a safety-deposit box in Siena, Italy. In Siena she discovers that her ancestor Giulietta Tolomei met Romeo and their...