Deborah Findlay
Set in a richly portrayed society well-stocked with eccentric nobles and gossipy villagers, this story centers around 17-year-old Molly Gibson, the only daughter of a respected country doctor. The well-ordered world of Molly's childhood is soon to be complicated by new people and unexpected situations. Most devastating is her father's decision to remarry after many years of widowhood. Molly's faltering efforts to cope gracefully with an impossible...
Pub. Date
The Defoes are back at the newly merged law firm Noble Hale Defoe. And Hannah's latest case, the divorce of the UK's most powerful celebrity couple, is set to put NHD on the map. As Hannah fights one of the most public cases of her career, she's also fighting a private battle to save her marriage. Following the devastating revelation of Nathan's betrayal, her formerly rock-solid marriage is beginning to crack. And, as she finds herself in a passionate...
BBC Studios
Pub. Date
The Split examines the fast paced circuit of high-powered female divorce lawyers in London through the lens of three sisters, Hannah, Nina and the youngest, Rose. Exposing the complex realities of high end divorce and broken marriage through female divorce lawyers and sisters embattled and bound by their own troubled past.
4) The drowning
Sundance Now
Pub. Date
When Jodie's young son vanished from a lakeside picnic, it was presumed he drowned, but Jodie believed he was abducted. Years later, she sees a boy she's certain is her son. Jeopardizing the life she's painstakingly rebuilt, Jodie begins a dangerous and morally dark journey to prove the boy is her son and save him from his abductor.
6) Kaleidoscope
Scream Factory
Pub. Date
Recently released from prison, mild-mannered Carl quietly attempts to move on with his life. Just as he embarks on his first date in fifteen years, Carl's fresh start is shattered by the sudden reappearance of his domineering mother, whose presence awakens within him a deep-seated trauma. What unfolds is a brain-warping puzzle as reality and illusion, past and present collide and explode in violence.
7) Cranford
Distributed by Warner Home Video
Pub. Date
Cranford [DVDC 4011 pt. 1]: Adapted from Elizabeth Gaskell's novels, the five-episode miniseries Cranford focuses on female characters in the 19th-century British town to thematically contemplate encroaching modernity in rural England. With the camera roving house to house, each drama within the grander story is constructed of scenes featuring dialogue between several gossipy ladies obsessed with moral code, romantic ideas about courtship, and social...
RLJ Entertainment
Pub. Date
[2014], ©2014
Jane Austen's Emma: beautiful, rich and infuriating emma woodhouse meddles in other's romantic lives with unexpected results.
Charlotte Bronte's jane eyre: a prim and principled governess falls in love with her brooding, mysterious employer.
The lady's not for burning: a beautiful woman accused of witchcraft and a world weary drifter are thrown together before their executions.
The death of the heart: in 1930's London, an awkward 16-year old struggles...