Tania De Regil
Quill Tree Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
Pub. Date
"Isabel Beane is a shy girl who lives in a home full of havoc and hubbub and hullabaloo. With five siblings, there is always too much too much-ness. At school, there's a new girl who is immediately popular, but she's also not very nice to one person--Isabel. Isabel has never felt more invisible. She begins to get bombarded by fears, like being abandoned by her classmates and taking the upcoming Extremely Important standardized test. Her fears feel...
2) A new home
Candlewick Press
Pub. Date
Moving to a new city can be exciting. But what if your new home isn't anything at all like your old home? Will you make friends? What will you eat? Where will you play? In a shared voice, a boy moving from New York City to Mexico City and a girl moving from Mexico City to New York City express their fears about leaving home to live in a new and unfamiliar place. Tania de Regil offers a heart-warming story about finding home wherever you go.
Candlewick Press
Pub. Date
At Grandma's house, where Julia is staying without her parents for the first time, the breeze is sweet like jasmine. Mornings begin with sugared bread, and the most magnificent hot chocolate cures all homesickness. There's something about this place and about Grandma. Like how she can tell when Julia has been quietly picking limes from the garden. Or that she can see the future--and knows when Julia is about to fall off her bike. Or how she can journey...
Pub. Date
"Espero que las cosas no sean tan diferentes en mi nueva ciudad."--Back cover.
Mudarse a una nueva ciudad puede ser emocionante. Pero, ¿qué pasa si su nuevo hogar no se parece en nada a su antiguo hogar? ¿Harás amigos? ¿Qué comerás? Donde vas a jugar En una voz compartida, un niño que se muda de la Ciudad de Nueva York a la Ciudad de México y una niña que se muda de la Ciudad de México a la Ciudad de Nueva York expresan sus temores de...
Candlewick Press
Pub. Date
En una primera visita sin sus papás a la casa de su abuela en las afueras de la Ciudad de México, una niña descubre lo que hace que la abuela tan especial.
On a first solo visit to her grandmother's home outside Mexico City, a young girl discovers what makes Grandma so special.
Pub. Date
Is there a new baby coming to your home? One who will sleep and cry and demand attention and...poop? Well, welcome to the...big kids club! This book will teach you what every big kid needs to know about their baby: What your baby can see, why your baby cries, when your baby will be able to talk, how your baby knows you love them, and so much more (including why your baby poops so much!).
Philomel Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
Pub. Date
¿Viene un nuevo bebé a su casa? Uno que dormirá y llorará y demandará atención y... ¿caca? Bueno, ¡bienvenido al Big Kids Club! Este libro le enseñará lo que todo niño grande necesita saber sobre su bebé: lo que su bebé puede ver, por qué llora, cuándo podrá hablar, cómo sabe su bebé que lo ama y mucho más (incluyendo por qué tu bebé hace tanto popó!). Con obras de arte que seguramente harán reír a los niños grandes, este...