Gene Colan
Set in the 1990's, the film revolves around Carol Danvers, a crack air force pilot. Though trials and tribulations she becomes one of the galaxy's mightiest heroes and joins an elite outer space military team known as Starforce. Her membership in the Kree military team puts her in danger when Earth becomes hopelessly stuck in battle between two other alien worlds, forcing Danvers to take on the role of Captain Marvel and use her new powers for the...
3) Blade
New Line Home Video
Pub. Date
"Wesley Snipes stars as the tortured soul Blade -- half man, half immortal. Blade sharpens his lethal skills under the guidance of Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), his mentor, guardian, and fellow hunter of the night. When the bloodthirsty Immortals' lord, Deacon Frost (Stephen Dorff), declares war on the human race, Blade is humanity's last hope for survival." -- Container.
New Line Home Entertainment
A group of vampires resurrect "Drake" the all-powerful Count Dracula. Teaming up with the Nightstalkers, a group of similar-minded hunters, Blade is ready for battle. A scientist creates a potion that can kill Drake and the entire bloodsucking race.
5) Blade II
The legendary "daywalker" Blade must join forces with a high-powered team of vampires to take on a fearsom threat more deadly than either has seen before. These unlikely allies must stop a race of super-vampires intent on destroying everyone in their path - human or vampire.
Marvel Worldwide, Inc
Pub. Date
Every year on Midsummer's Eve, Victor von Doom clashes with the forces of evil in a vain attempt to free his mother's soul from Hell. Only when Doctor Stephen Strange is finally convinced to join the fight does Doom have any hope of altering the outcome in his favor. The unlikely allies must first journey to Mephisto's infernal realm...where they find that the cost of one soul may be more than they are willing to pay! Re-presenting perhaps the greatest...
Pub. Date
"Join Mickey Mouse, Goofy and all of your Disney pals as they embark on fantastic adventures to the stars and beyond! First, Mickey's trip to a space resort takes a dangerous turn when a mysterious villain hijacks the hovering hotel in a scheme to conquer to world! Then, when an agent from the future arrives to mind-zap Goofy, can Mickey outwit the crafty time-traveler? All of this and even a few short stories from comic legends Marv Wolfman, Gene...
Marvel Worldwide Inc
Pub. Date
"Collects Tales of Suspense (1959) #52-53, 57, 60, 64; Avengers (1963) #29-30, 36-37, 43-44; Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #86; Amazing Adventures (1970) #1-8; Daredevil (1964) #81 and material from Avengers (1963) #16, 32-33, 38-39, 41-42, 45-47, 57, 63-64, 76. Collecting the origins of the Black Widow for the very first time! From her debut as a Russian spy in TALES OF SUSPENSE, Natasha Romanoff was instantly one of Marvel's most iconic characters....
Marvel Worldwide, Inc., a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, LLC
Pub. Date
"Welcome to the 31st century! A thousand years from now, Vance Astro, Yondu, Martinex and Charlie-27--the original Guardians of the Galaxy--rise to retake the Solar System from reptilian raiders! And soon, the greatest heroes of the present day--Captain America, Doctor Strange, the Thing, the Hulk and more--will join the Guardians in the future's greatest war! Then, as the Guardians help society rebuild, threats arise from two worlds: one of them...
Marvel Worldwide
Pub. Date
Earth's Mightiest Heroes are raised to unheard-of heights with the debut of the Vision, an all-out battle with Ultron, and the introduction of Yellowjacket and an all-new Goliath! Then, Kang the Conqueror drops in from the 41st century, pitting our heroes against the Squadron Sinister in a cosmic chess match! As if one set of adversaries from across time wasn't enough, the Avengers must also battle the Captain America, Sub-Mariner and Human Torch...
Marvel Worldwide, Inc
Pub. Date
Watch the skies! Captain Marvel, the space-born super hero, is coming! Branded a traitor by the vicious Col. Yon-Rogg for defending the people of Earth, Captain Mar-Vell assumes the human identity of Walter Lawson and becomes our planet's protector against an awesome array of interstellar enemies. The massive Sentry #459, the savage Super-Skrull, Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner, and Quasimodo the Living Computer all wage war against Captain Marvel here...
Marvel Worldwide, Inc
Pub. Date
"The Daywalker returns to his never-ending hunt for vampires! Explore Blade’s mysterious past — and sink your teeth into his present — in stories featuring Spider-Man, Dracula, Doctor Doom and - Santa Claus?! As civil war rocks the Marvel Universe, Blade’s blades clash with Wolverine’s claws — but why does Logan seem so familiar? Then, because you demanded it: Hannibal King returns, and fangs are sure to...
Fantagraphics Books, Inc
Pub. Date
"John Severin takes control. When John Severin became editor of Two-Fisted Tales, he expanded the scope of its stories beyond its traditional war stories to head off to far-flung times and places, searching for adventure. This volume collects all those stories --the EC stories that Severin had the most control over. Severin wrote and drew the title story, about an old-fashioned Southern "gentleman" who sees grievance at every turn and regularly challenges...
Marvel Entertainment
Pub. Date
"A Black Panther epic by one of his signature writers, Don McGregor, and art legend Gene Colan! And this is T'Challa's quest: a stealth mission in South Africa, following rumors that the mother he never knew may still be alive! The Panther will take on soldiers and social injustice in a harrowing tale filled with tragedy and hard-hitting action. He'll face bloody, brutal combat as he closes in on his prey as only the Black Panther can--with supreme...
DC Comics
Pub. Date
"When a large wave appears carrying an object capable of destroying anything in its path, the authorities try everything they can to stop it from making landfall. With all other options exhausted, the U.S. calls in their new team, Task Force X, led by Rick Flag! But what's this? An island in the South Pacific inhabited entirely by giant dinosaurs? A line of brave soldiers is all that stands between civilization and their giant deadly claws. Can the...